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that I promised to come & keep up herSpirits, & go in the Machine with her ifshe wished it — and as soon as that isall over, I must hurry home, for Susanis to have Leachesat one oclocktoday,1 which will bea three hours busineſs, — therefore I reallyhave not a moment to spare — besidesthat (besides between ourselves) I ought to be in bed myself at this present time,for I am hardly able to stand — andwhen the Leaches have done, I dare say we shall both go to our rooms for the restof the day." — "I am sorry to hear it,for this indeed;butif this is the case I hope Arthur will come to us." — "If Arthur takes my advice, he will go to bed too, for if he stays up by himself, he will certainly eat & drink morethan he ought; — but you see Mary,how impoſsible it is for me to go withyou to Lady Denham's." —"Upon second thoughts Mary, said her husband, I will not trouble you to speak about theMullins's. — I will take an opportu:=nity of seeing Lady D.Denham myself. —I know how little it suits you tobe preſsing matters upon a Mind at


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