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answered "Yes, Yes; – How active & howkind you have been!" –"The Westindians, she continued, whom I look upon asthe most desirable of the two — as theBest of the Goodtwo Excellent — prove to be aMrs . Griffiths & her family. I knowhave only them onlyheard of them through others. –My friend You mustFanny Noyce I dare say you haveheard me mention Miſs Capper, theparticular friend of my very particularfriend Fanny Noyce; – now, Miſs Capperis extremely intimate with a Mrs - Darling, who is on terms of constantcorrespondence with Mrs . Griffiths her::self. – OnlyBut a short chain, you see,between us, & not a Link wanting.Mrs . G.Griffiths meant to go to the Sea, for heryoung People's benefit — had fixed onthe coast of Suſsex, but was undecidedas to the whereSpot, wanted something Pri::vate, & wrote to ask the opinion ofher friend Mrs . Darling. — Miſs Capperhappened to be staying with Mrs . D.Darlingwhen Mrs . G.'sGriffiths'sLetter arrived, & wasconsulted onas to the question; she wrote the same day to Fanny Noyce andmentioned it to her — & Fanny all alive

Image for page: b3-2 of manuscript: sanditon