1 [ p.30 ]

another person's claims to be taken into the account, those of the young female relation,whom Lady D.Denham had been induced to receiveinto her Family.aAfter1 having alwaysprotested against any such addition, depre::cating the idea of a Companion, defying & and long & often enjoyed& enjoying the repeated defeats she hadgiven to every attempt of her relations onthat head, she had been to introduce thisyoung Lady, or that young Lady as a Compa::nion at Sanditon Hall House, she had brought back with her from London last Michaelmasa Miſs Brereton, who bid fair by herMerits to vie in favour with Sir Edw[...]ard2,& to restore secure for herself & her familythat share of the accumulated Property which they had certainly the best rightto inherit. — Mr . Parker spoke warmly of Clara Brereton, & the interest of hisStory increased very much with theintroduction of such a Character.young Woman. Charlotte listened with more than amuse::ment now; — it was solicitude & Enjoyment,as she heard her delineated described (andnot with to be lovely, amiable, gentle,unaſsuming, conducting herself uniformlywith great good Sense, & evidently gaining by her innate worth, on the affectionsof her Patroneſs. – Beauty, Sweetneſs,


Lower-case 'a' altered to upper-case 'A'.Back to context...
'ard' written over three illegible letters.Back to context...
Image for page: b1-30 of manuscript: sanditon