7 [ p.7 ]

[Deleted ] " I am to supposeYou mean a compliment of course my Lord, said Emma bowing, tho’though I do can not exactly understand define it." Lord Osborne laughed rather awkwardly – & then said "Upon my Soul, I am a bad one for Compliments. Nobody can be a worse hand at it than myself I wish I knew more of the such things matters —." and after some minutes silence – added, "Can not you give me a leſson Miſs Watson on the art of paying Compts .Compliments — I should be very glad to learn." I want very much to know how to please the Ladies. — A cold monosyllable & grave look from Emma one Lady at least freedom of his manner. repreſsed the growing He had too much sense, not to take the hint — & when he spoke again, it was with a degree of courteous propriety which he was not often athad never used before the trouble of employing.using. He was rewarded
[End of deleted]


"Your Lordship thinks we always have our ownway. —That is a point on which Ladies & Gentlen :Gentlemenhave long disagreed — But without pretending to decide it, I may say that there are some circum::stances which even Women cannot controul. —Female Economywill may do a great my Lord, deal but it cannotturn a small income into a large one." – Ld .Lord Osbornewas silenced. Her manner had been neither Sententiousnor sarcastic, but there was a something in its' mild what sheseriousneſs, as well as in the words themselves said which made his Lordship think; – and when headdreſsed her again, it was with a degree of considerate courteous propriety, to::tally unlike the half-awkward, half-fearleſs stileof his former remarks. —It was a new thing with him "You have not been long into wish to please a woman; it was the first time that this Country I understand. — I hope you are pleased withhe had ever felt its — the delicate what was due to a woman,  in his equalEmma’s situation. in Education, — But as he wanted neither Sense nor a good disposition, he did not feel it withouteffect. resolving on the neceſsary effort. — "You have not beenlong in this Country I understand, said he in the tone of a Gentlen ..Gentleman I hope youare pleased with it." — He was rewarded by a

by a gracious answer, & a more liberalfull veiwof her face than she had yet bestowed. on him. Unused to exert himself, & happy in contem::plating her, thenhe sat in silence for abosomeut fiveminutes longer, while Tom Musgrave was chatter:=ing to Elizth ..Elizabeth, till they were interrupted by Nanny’sapproach, who pu half tting opening the door & puttingin her head, said "Please Ma’am, Master wantsto know why he ben’t to have his dinner." —The Gentlemen, who had hithertodisregarded everysymptom, however positive, of the nearneſs of that Meal, now jumped up with apologies, while

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