Conversation. Reginald is never easy unleſs we are by ourselves, & when the weather is tolerable we pacethe shrubbery for hours together. — I like him on the whole very well, he is clever & has a good deal to say;but he is sometimes impertinent & troublesome. There is a sort of ridiculous delicacy about him which requires the fullest explanation of whatever he may have heard to my disadvantage, & is never satisfied till he thinks he has ascertained the beginning & endof everything. —

This is one sort of Love — but I confeſs it does not particularly recommend itself to me. I infinitely prefer the tender & liberal spirit ofManwaring, which impreſsed with the deepest con::viction of my merit, is satisfied that whatever Ido must be right; & look with a degree of Con::tempt on the inquisitive & doubting Fancies of thatHeart which seems always debating on the reason::ableneſs

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