:quence, that an immediate discuſsion of it isunneceſsary." He then got out of the chaise & enteredthe house without waiting for his Father's reply. It was not till their return that Kitty couldaccount for that coldneſs in Camilla's behaviour to her, which had been so pointed as to renderit impoſsible to be entirely unnoticed. Whenhowever they were seated in the Coach withthe two other Ladies, Miſs Stanley's indignationwas no longer to be suppreſsed from breaking out into words, & found the following vent. "Well, I must say this, that I never was ata stupider Ball in my Life! But it always is so; I am always disappointed in them for some reason or other. I wish there were nosuch things."

"I am sorry Miſs Stanley, said MrsPercival Peterson drawing herself up, that you have not been amused; every thing was meant for the best I am sure, and itit is a poor encouragement for your Mama to takeyou to another if you are so hard to be satisfied."

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