"Oh! It is beyond any thing you can conceive! Hisfavourite Hunter who was turned out in the parkon his going abroad, somehow or other fell ill —No,I beleive it was an accident, but however it was something or other, or else it was something else,and so they sent an Expreſs immediately to Lyonsto mywhere1 my Brother was, for they knew that he va::lued this Mare more than any thing else in theWorld besides; and so my Brother set off directly for England, and without packing up anotherCoat; I am quite angry with him about it; it was so shocking you know to come away without a change ofCloathes –"

"Why indeed said Kitty, it seems to have been avery shocking affair from beginning to end."

"Oh! it is beyond anything you can conceive! Iwould rather have had anything happen thanthat he should have loſsed that mare."

"Except hisyour Brother's coming away without another coat."

"Oh! yes, that has vexed me more than you can


'where' written over erased 'to my'.Back to context...
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