can I ever expect to be forgiven for such injustice! Yet how can I, so circumstanced, forbear to offend!You seem dreſsed for a Ball? But this is the Land of gaiety I know; I have for many years beendesirous of visiting it. You have Dances I sup::pose at least every week –But where arethe rest of your party gone, and what kind An::gel in compaſsion to me, has excluded youfrom it?"

"Perhaps Sir, said Kitty extremely confused by his manner of speaking to her, and highly dis::pleased with the freedom of his Conversation towards one who had never seen him beforeand did not now know his name, "perhapsSir, you are acquainted with Mr & Mrs Stanley;and your busineſs may be with them?"

"You do me too much honour Ma'am, replied he laughing, in supposing me to be acquainted withMr & Mrs Stanley; I merely know them by sight;very distant relations; only my Father & Mother;

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