Mr Stanley would not feel more disappointedif her Aunt's expectations were fulfilled, than herAunt would be mortified by their failure. Afterwaiting a considerable time Mrs Stanley & her daugh:ter appeared, and Camilla in high Spirits, & per::fect good humour with her own looks, was more violent than ever in her lamentations over herFreind as she practised her scotchSteps aboutthe room –. At length they departed, & Kitty better able to amuse herself than she had been the wholeDay before, wrote a long account of her Misfortunesto Mary Wynne. When her Letter was concludedshe had an opportunity of witneſsing the truth ofthat aſsertion which says that Sorrows are lightenedby Communication, for her toothake was then somuch releived that she began to entertain anidea of following her Freinds to Mr Dudley's. Theyhad been gone but half an hour, and as everythingrelative to her Dreſs was in complete readineſs,She considered that in another houran hour & a half since therewas so little a way to go, She might be there – .They were gone in Mr Stanley's Carriage and therefore

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