pleasure in it than her Freind; for to her, it wasnow no novelty –. Camilla's delight however was by no means inferior to Kitty's, and she ratherexpreſsed the most of the two. The Cap came and every other preparation was soon completed; whilethese were in agitation the Days paſsed gaily a::way, but when Directions were no longer ne::ceſsary, Taste could no longer be displayed, and Difficulties no longer overcome, the short periodthat intervened before the day of the Ball hung heavily on their hands, and every hour was toolong. The very few Times that Kitty had everenjoyed the Amusement of Dancing was an ex::cuse for her impatience, and an apology forthe Idleneſs it occasioned to a Mind naturallyvery Active; but her Freind without such a plea was infinitely worse than herself. She could donothing but wander from the house to the Gar::den, and from the Garden to the avenue, won::dering when Thursday would come, which she might easily have ascertained, and counting the

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