last Spring, which comprehending a period of twelveYears had been dedicated to the acquirement ofAccomplishments which were now to be displayedand in a few Years entirely neglected. She wasnot in about Kitty's age, elegant in her appearance, ra::ther handsome, and naturally not deficient inAbilities; but those Years which ought to have been spent in the attainment of useful know::ledge and MentalImprovement, had be[..]en1 allbestowed in learning Drawing, Italian and Music, more especially the latter, and she now united tothese Accomplishments, an Understanding un::improved by reading and a Mind totally devoideither of Taste or Judgement. Her temper was bynature good, but unaſsisted by reflection, she hadneither patience under Disappointment, nor could sacrifice her own inclinations to promote the happi::neſs of others. All her Ideas were towards the Eleganceof her appearance, the fashion of her dreſs, and theAdmiration she wished them to excite. She profeſseda love of Books without Reading, was Lively with::out Wit, and generally good humoured without Merit.


'en' written over two illegible letters.Back to context...
Image for page: 41 of manuscript: blvolthird