Manners were unpleasing, though his Character was respectable. Kitty had heard twice from her freind since her marriage, but her Letters were al::ways unsatisfactory, and though she did not openly avow her feelings, yet every line proved her to be Unhappy. She spoke with pleasure of nothing,but of those Amusements which they had shared together and which could return no more, and seemedto have no happineſs in veiw but that of returning to England again. Her sister had been taken by another relation the Dowager Lady Halifax as a com::panion to her Daughters, and had accompanied her family into Scotland about the same time of Cecilia's leaving England. From Mary therefore Kitty had the power of hearing more frequently, but her Letters were scarcely more comfortable —. There wasnot indeed that hopeleſsneſs of sorrow in her situationas in her sisters; she was not married, and could yet look forward to a change in her circumstances; but situated for the present without any immediatehope of it, in a family where, tho'though all were herrelations she had no freind, she wrote usually indepreſsed Spirits, which her separation from her Sister

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