and though he had never mentioned any intention of leaving them the next day, she could not helpasking him after Dinner, in her eagerneſs to havehim gone, at what time he meant to set out.

"Oh! Ma'am, replied he, if I am off by twelve at night, you may think yourself lucky; and if I am not, you can only blame yourself for havingleft so much as the hour of my departure tomy own disposal." MrsPercival Peterson coloured veryhighly at this speech, and without addreſsing herself to any one in particular, immediately began a long harangue on the shocking beha::viour of modern young Men, & the wonderful Alteration that had taken place in them, since her time, which she illustrated with manyinstructive anecdotes of the Decorum & Modestywhich had marked the Characters of those whom she had known, when she had been young. This however did not prevent his walking in the

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