JA : Jane Austen

Gilson : David Gilson, A Bibliography of Jane Austen (1982; corrected edn, Winchester: St Paul’s Bibliographies, 1997). Reference to individual items in Gilson’s bibliography is according to their numbered entries (eg., Gilson F 14)

RWC : Robert W. Chapman, editor of Jane Austen’s manuscript works.

Sabor : The Juvenilia, edited by Peter Sabor, The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Jane Austen (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006)

Southam : B. C. Southam, editor of Jane Austen’s manuscript works.

Todd & Bree : Later Manuscripts, edited by Janet Todd and Linda Bree, The Cambridge Edition of the Works of Jane Austen (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008)

Transcription symbols

& : ampersand

: long ‘s’, used in preference to the short ‘s’ in the middle of words or as the first ‘s’ in double ‘s’ (‘∫s’)

pretend to a much better match : strikethrough, denoting words or characters deleted

: a covering block of dark grey denoting an erased word

: a covering block of light grey denoting a word superimposed upon an erased word.

: quill pen signalling a change of hand